The Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (“SRRV”) is a visa issued by the Bureau of Immigration through the Philippine Retirement Authority (“PRA”). The SRRV is a special non-immigrant visa that provides its holders with multiple-entry privileges and indefinite stay in the Philippines and is especially designed for those who wish to live in the Philippines on an extended or permanent basis.

General information
- All foreign nationals (except those classified as a restricted) who are at least 35 years old, with no derogatory record can join the SRRV Program;
- Processing time takes maximum of 30 days (Please note there are cases the applicants need to extend their stay, in this case, they have to secure an NBI clearance for extension of their stay in the Philippines);
- In case of emergency, the applicant can leave the Philippines during the visa processing. The documents will be returned back to the applicant and he will be able to re-apply;
- The SRRV is valid for as long as the retiree remains a member of good standing of the program and provided his dollar time deposit and/or investment exists in the Philippines;
- Option of including dependents in to the program;
- The Philippines is an excellent place for foreign nationals. The country is a value-for-money destination boasting of many places with low-cost of living and warm hospitality of its people.
Deposit investment requirements (for a Principal and two family members): Without Pension:
- 35 to 49 years old – USD 50,000.00 deposit
- 50 years old and above – USD 20,000.00 deposit
- Ambassadors of Foreign Countries who served and retired in the Philippines, current and former staff members of international organizations including ADB (at least 50 years old) – USD 1,500.00
- For former/overseas Filipinos (at least 35 years old) – USD 1,500
With Pension:
- 50 years old and above – USD 10,000.00 deposit, with lifetime monthly pension of USD 800.00 for a single applicant and USD 1,000 for couple.
Fees and additional costs:
- Application fee: USD 1,400 for principal applicant and USD 300 for each dependent
- Annual fee: USD 360 (covers 3 family members) in excess additional USD 100
- An additional visa deposit – USD 15,000 per dependent in excess of two
- Agent fee: USD 20,000
Additional costs apply for dependents and family members and vary with the age of a person. Please contact us for a detailed quote and our fees. Investment Areas (choose one of the following options)
- Purchase, acquisition and ownership of a condominium unit
- Long-term lease of house and lot, condominium or townhouse for a minimum period of twenty five (25) years (renewable for another 25 years).
Documents required
- Original of the valid Passport with valid/updated tourist visa in the Philippines (Tourist Visa sponsored by Travel Agency/Tour Operator is NOT allowed);
- Accomplished PRA Application Form;
- Original of the Medical Clearance;
- Original of the Police Clearance from country of origin;
- NBI Clearance (if applicant has stayed in the Philippines for more than 30 days from last date of entry prior to application of SRRV);
- Photos (12 pieces of 2"x2");
- Proof of Relationship for joining dependents.

- Permanent non-immigrant status with multiple-entry privileges through the Special Resident Retiree's Visa;
- There are no requirements for number of days to be spent in the Philippines or number of entries;
- Exemption from customs duties and taxes for the importation of personal effects;
- Exemption from Exit Clearance and Re-entry Permits;
- Exemption from payment of travel tax provided the SRRV holder has not stayed in the Philippines for more than one year from date of his last entry into the country;
- Conversion of the requisite deposit into active investments, including purchase of condominium unit;
- Interest on the foreign currency deposit is tax-free and payable in Philippine Pesos;
- Only income earned in the Philippines is taxable in the country;
- A visa holder can receive a tax resident certificate from the Philippines;
- Pension, annuities remitted to the Philippines are tax-free; and
- Guaranteed repatriation of the requisites deposit including invested profits, capital gains and dividends accrued from investments;
Documents obtained/issued outside of the Philippines must be translated into English, if necessary, and authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate. You will find more information on the official website of the Philippine Retirement Authority at Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details.
We process:
1. 9G Working Visa2. 13A / TRV Spousal Visa- married to a Filipino citizen3. Downgrading of Visa4. Tourist Visa Extension5. Alien Employment Permit (AEP) / Special Working Permit (SWP)6. Inclusion of dependent Spouse and unmarried child7. Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC)8. Cancellation of Alien Employment Permit9. Cancellation of CEZA Working Visa (CWV)10. Cancellation of 9G Working Visa (9G)11. AEP card replacement (loss AEP)12. Quota Visa13. Overstay14. Lifting of Blacklist(BL) and Hold Departure Order (HDO)15. Order To Leave (OTL) & other Immigration related concern!
Feel free to contact us:English inquiries :WeChat : dpylanayon WhatsApp :+63 939 526 6731 Telegram :@Diadem_Pearl EMAIL: 998VISA@GMAIL.COM TEL:(+632) 84030023+63917 652 3432
中文咨询:微信 : BGC998 WhatsApp :+63-912-0912-222 电报/小飞机:@BGC998 邮件咨询: 998VISA@GMAIL.COM