菲律宾SEC 37 是什么?为什么移民局给备注SEC 37?

菲律宾SEC 37 是菲律宾移民局法里面第  37条 条款 关于要 驱逐外国人 的细节。

第 37 节。

(A) 下列外国人应根据移民局长或由其指定的任何其他官员的令状予以逮捕,并在移民局长委员会确定存在针对该外国人的驱逐出境理由后,根据移民局长的令状予以驱逐出境:

1. 本法生效日后,任何外侨以虚假及误导性陈述,或未经移民当局在指定入境口岸或指定入境口岸以外任何地方检查及接纳而进入菲律宾;

2. 本法生效日后进入菲律宾的任何外国人,但在入境时未具有合法入境资格;

3. 任何外国人在本法生效日后,进入菲律宾后五年内,因犯有道德败坏罪行而被定罪并被判处一年或一年以上的有期徒刑,或在入境后任何时候,被定罪和判刑超过一次;

4. 因触犯禁毒法规,被依法判刑的外国人;

5. 任何从事卖淫活动、居住于卖淫场所、或与卖淫场所的管理有关、或为拉皮条者的人;

6. 任何外国人入境后五年内,因无法证明在入境后发生的原因而成为公共负担;

7. 任何外国人违反作为非移民入境时的限制或条件而留在菲律宾;

8. 任何外国人,如果相信、建议、提倡或教导以武力或暴力推翻菲律宾政府或制定的法律和权威,或不相信或反对有组织的政府,或建议、提倡或教导袭击或暗杀公职人员,或建议、提倡或教导非法破坏财产,或属于任何信奉、提倡或教导此类理论的组织或与其有关联,或以任何方式为传播此类理论提供资金或其他帮助;

9. 任何外国人,如果犯有本法第四十五和四十六条所描述的任何行为,而不受可能对他提起的刑事诉讼的影响:但如果该外国人因任何原因被定罪并被判处监禁和驱逐出境,该外国人应先服满其全部监禁期,然后才被实际驱逐出境:但是,移民局长可以在部门负责人同意的情况下,在有关外国人支付移民局长确定并经部门负责人批准的金额后,免除监禁;

10. 任何外国人入境后五年内任何时候因违反菲律宾联邦第 653 号法案(又称 1941 年菲律宾外国人登记法案)的规定而被定罪,或在入境后任何时候因违反同一法案的规定而被定罪一次以上;

11. 任何外国人从事牟取暴利、囤积居奇或黑市交易,而不论其是否受到刑事诉讼;

12. 任何因违反联邦法案第473号(又称菲律宾修订归化法)或任何与取得菲律宾公民身份有关的法律而被定罪的外国人;

13. 任何外侨通过潜逃或转让财产来欺骗债权人,以防止财产被扣押或执行;

(B) 入境后,可根据本条 (a) 款第 2、7、8、11 和 12 条随时实施驱逐出境,但不得根据任何其他条款实施驱逐出境,除非驱逐出境程序中的逮捕是在驱逐出境原因出现后五年内进行的。如果法院或法官在判处外国人刑罚时向移民局局长建议不驱逐该外国人,则不得根据第 3 和第 4 条实施驱逐出境。

(C) 未经告知驱逐出境的具体理由,或未按照移民局长规定的程序规则举行听证,不得将任何外国人驱逐出境。

(D) 在任何涉及外国人入境的驱逐出境程序中,外国人应负有举证责任,证明他是合法进入菲律宾的,并说明入境的时间、地点和方式,为此,他有权获得移民局保存的任何记录中显示的与其抵达有关的事实陈述。

(E) 任何在驱逐出境程序中被逮捕的外国人均可在保释或根据移民局长规定的其他条件获释。

第 38 节。


第 39 节。


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Section 37.

(A) The following aliens shall be arrested upon the warrant of the Commissioner of Immigration or of any other officer designated by him for the purpose and deported upon the warrant of the Commissioner of Immigration after a determination by the Board of Commissioners of the existence of the ground for deportation as charged against the alien: 

1. Any alien who enters the Philippines after the effective date of this Act by means of false and misleading statements or without inspection and admission by the immigration authorities at a designated port of entry or at any place other than at a designated port of entry;

2. Any alien who enters the Philippines after the effective date of this Act, who was not lawfully admissible at the time of entry;

3. Any alien who, after the effective date of this Act, is convicted in the Philippines and sentenced for a term of one year or more for a crime involving moral turpitude committed within five years after his entry to the Philippines, or who, at any time after such entry, is so convicted and sentenced more than once;

4. Any alien who is convicted and sentenced for a violation of the law governing prohibited drugs;

5. Any alien who practices prostitution or is an inmate of a house of prostitution or is connected with the management of a house of prostitution, or is a procurer;

6. Any alien who becomes a public charge within five years after entry from causes not affirmatively shown to have arisen subsequent to entry; 

7. Any alien who remains in the Philippines in violation of any limitation or condition under which he was admitted as a nonimmigrant;

8. Any alien who believes in, advises, advocates or teaches the overthrow by force and violence of the Government of the Philippines, or of constituted law and authority, or who disbelieves in or is opposed to organized government or who advises, advocates, or teaches the assault or assassination of public officials because of their office, or who advises, advocates, or teaches the unlawful destruction of property, or who is a member of or affiliated with any organization entertaining, advocating or teaching such doctrines, or who in any manner whatsoever lends assistance, financial or otherwise, to the dissemination of such doctrines;

9. Any alien who commits any of the acts described in sections forty-five and forty-six of this Act, independent of criminal action which may be brought against him: Provided, That in the case of an alien who, for any reason, is convicted and sentenced to suffer both imprisonment and deportation, said alien shall first serve the entire period of his imprisonment before he is actually deported: Provided however, That the imprisonment may be waived by the Commissioner of Immigration with the consent of the Department Head, and upon payment by the alien concerned of such amount as the Commissioner may fix and approved by the Department Head;

10. Any alien who, at any time within five years after entry, shall have been convicted of violating the provisions of the Philippine Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Fifty-Three, otherwise known as the Philippine Alien Registration Act of 1941, or who, at any time after entry, shall have been convicted more than once of violating the provisions of the same Act;

11. Any alien who engages in profiteering, hoarding, or black-marketing, independent of any criminal action which may be brought against him;

12. Any alien who is convicted of any offense penalized under Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and seventy-three, otherwise known as the Revised Naturalization Laws of the Philippines, or any law relating to acquisition of Philippine citizenship;

13. Any alien who defrauds his creditor by absconding or alienating properties to prevent them from being attached or executed; 

(B) Deportation may be effected under clauses 2, 7, 8, 11 and 12 of paragraph (a) of this Section at any time after entry, but shall not be effected under any other clause unless the arrest in the deportation proceedings is made within five years after the cause for deportation arises. Deportation under clauses 3 and 4 shall not be effected if the court, or judge thereof, when sentencing the alien, shall recommend to the Commissioner of Immigration that the alien be not deported.

(C) No alien shall be deported without being informed of the specific grounds for deportation nor without being given a hearing under rules of procedure to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Immigration.

(D) In any deportation proceeding involving the entry of an alien the burden of proof shall be upon the alien to show that he entered the Philippines lawfully, and the time, place, and manner of such entry, and for this purpose he shall be entitled to a statement of the facts in connection with his arrival as shown by any record in the custody of the Bureau of Immigration.

(E) Any alien under arrest in a deportation proceeding may be released under bond or under such other conditions as may be imposed by the Commissioner of Immigration.

Section 38.

An alien ordered deported shall, at the option of the Commissioner of Immigration, be removed to the country whence he came, or to the foreign port at which he embarked for the Philippines, or to the country of his nativity or of which he is a citizen or subject, or to the country in which he resided prior to coming to the Philippines.

Section 39.

If deportation proceedings are instituted within five years after entry, unless deportation is made by reason of causes which arose subsequent to the alien's entry, the cost of deportation from the port of deportation shall be at the expense of the owner or owners of the vessel by which the alien came; if that is not practicable, in such case and in all other cases, the cost of deportation shall be payable from the appropriations available for the purpose.